Maneko  (henceforth now known as Oscar Jr,) I really don't like this guy. I started not liking this guy long before he went spaz on his boyfriend's blog. I sung this guy's praises to the ends of the Earth. I had nothing but the utmost respect for him. In spite of that, he spat on me. I was disappointed. In that I had misjudged him. I thought he was better than all the others who treated their compatriots and fans like trash. I came to realize that he is what he doesn't like to be called: an elitist snob. Add to that liar and hypocrite among others.

    It all started around the spring of 2004. I was looking for someone. He was the premier web cartoonist at the time. He had been on BnG for a while and moved on. I was putting my site together and wanted to link to his. Somehow Google brought up oscar jr. I got to liking his comics because they were funny and used other than Megaman sprites. A couple months later I began working on the 500th comic special series. It would have cameos galore. Those who had been an influence on my work over the years.

On top of that, I actually took the time to ask permission. By far the most vicious personal attacks came from oscar jr.

"Don't try to use her character, or she will flame, death threat, yap and insult you for months. Believe me, she is THAT type of person. Meh, she hates everyone, that's all."

He wasn't talking about his boyfriend. Years later I talked to the person he trashed. She is nothing at all like oscar jr described. She gave me the most intelligent and polite "no" I ever received for asking to use anybody's characters. By the way, he never gave me that yes or no.

    Over the next year, I licked his ass like you wouldn't believe. I even gave gave him one of my comics to do with as he pleases. It's a big deal for someone to do that. I'm not piggy over my jokes.

Spring of 2005 I say farewell to all those I been in communication with. Or so I thought.

What does that have to do with oscar jr? I got called into the bosses's office and got my ass chewed up one wall then another. Turns out instead of using the company email server I was using Hotmail. I accidentally checked the boxed marked with oscar jr's name. So I sent him a document with classified information in it. I switched to the company server and solved to problem. (By the way, that image is probably not the specific email I sent. I have CRS so I picked one at random.)

     In Nov of 2005 I come home from vacation and get updated with what everybody had been doing in the meantime. Oscar jr did (among many) a series titled Sprite Comics for Newbies. Which was coincidently similar to a comic series I did a year and a half earlier and a fanfic dealing with the differences between webcomics and hand drawn comics.

I shot him an email I thought the series was great and that he needs to look over some of his material. Some of the stuff he attributed to only noobs, he did too.

A couple of weeks later I once again asked for permission to have his characters cameo in one of my comics.

I followed his rules: no editing his stuff to show a finished product, send the script first, and I sent this comic.

"What sprites? In what? And how?"

Doesn't he know how to download attachments in Hotmail? He used to work on the BnG review board. Okay, okay, maybe I made a mistake. Unlike him I make mistakes. So I resend the same email.

"Ah, you mean you want my whole cast? Sorry, no way. I don't even know you, so I hope you understand."

That may seem innocuous, think about it: I had to jump through my ass twice for him. Type that email twice, it was not a short email. Then there was all the butt kissing I did before. Then to lie to me. He could have just said "no." That would have been perfectly fine. But, no. Not for him. He wants to see people jump through hoops, and for what? Edited recolors he doesn't own.

Put that together with his trashing of a fellow cartoonist in the first email, and the "I never done this" attitude in Sprite Comics for Newbies, plus going over all his previous works. I got a new perspective on the guy. That is someone I don't ever want to be associated with, ever.

We would all see his true nature when he spooged himself all over his boyfriend's blog. I am not (oh no, that word) going to repeat myself by pointing out all his lies, feeble attempts at riffing, and an inability to count in the proper order.


Speaking of cameos. Oscar jr does not want his "cast" appearing in other people's comics. That is unless it is one of the top dogs of the industry.

I remember Dave Anez saying that he did get oscar jr's permission to use Felicia. Which I found odd considering that it is only a recolor from a video game.


Let's reminisce over the fact that oscar jr regularly begs and pleads for cameos.

Interesting format he choose.


One day I was going over the hits log for my site. Some sprite forum showed up. I went to it and out pooped this:

That's not a mistake. I checked, rechecked, double checked, rechecked again. 2007. Both instances he promised "new sprites" and a "new comic.'

Like this?

That date is more likely the day I went to his site to read his comics. I myself am quite amazed that date remained intact all this time. You see I am not using the same computer at the time oscar jr's web site downloaded that comic into my temporary internet folder. In fact most of the material you see has been moved amongst five laptops, three desktops and no less than ten hard drives.




Chilean Power? The kind that burns at both ends of your pipe.



I clap my hands in awe of his chutzpah. To think no one would actually try and look that up. Despite all the ADD worms in my brain I remembered that. I also remember the same promises back then. After 50 comics about oscar jr allegedly having sexual relations with cartoon cats, after coming home from an extended vacation, what do we, his fans get?


A comic about fishing, and a digital pocket monster rehash. What about the new characters and comics? What about the all new stories? Nothing. I found myself on his site a year after he wiped himself all over his boyfriend's blog and saw nothing new. Not even that promised rant of his about me.

By the by, I don't ever play, or read, or watch digitman, so I can't really comment on the originality of "clownmon." But, I swear I've seen it before, but where?


Speaking of "original creation," how many original characters does oscar jr have? One, arguably. Oscar jr. The characterization maybe, if you discount all the other web comics and fanfics that have the "author" using invincible powers and making out with cartoon characters from other people's works. The image that oscar jr uses is just cobbled together from other people's as well.

This is what we call shooting oneself in the foot.


    I'll digress and do a movie review. Today's movie is Dragon Pink. I admit, I do have hentai in my movie collection. Three whole movies. You see, I would rather watch porn involving real people. Anyway, I picked up Dargon Pink only because of oscar jr. At the time I was a fan of his and wanted to see some of the source material. I should have left it on the shelf. What little story and character development that was done in episode one was gone by episode two. The only reason to watch episode three is for the one good sex scene, which doesn't involve Pink, the title character. Overall Dragon Pink was one sick piece of work. I would imagine the manga is much worse. And that's oscar jr's inspiration.

I didn't pay a whole lot for it. It was used, (thankfully the store cleaned it,) discounted several times. 





1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings



a : one who tends to rebuff, avoid, or ignore those regarded as inferior b : one who has an offensive air of superiority in matters of knowledge or taste



1 : the selectivity of the elite; especially : SNOBBERY *elitism in choosing new members*
2 : consciousness of being or belonging to an elite


    Many people have made these accusations over the years, now I present you with fact. Oscar jr made that so simple by collating it all within one comic series. Web Comics for Newbies. I praised this as great learning lesson. But, I offended the Lord Himself. I dared criticize His Word. Damn the blasphemer into the pit of gnashing teeth! And if you don't have any teeth then a replacement set will be provided at a considerable markup. Oh yes indeed.

I merely pointed the the stuff he was bashing people over the head for he himself had done. And not showed any examples of. He has never done anything noobish.


Pure professionalism.


I'm not going to nit pick every comic he has done. Just a couple to hammer home my points.

For the record, I do have my hypocrisy blocker turned on. It's not going off because no matter how stupid a name I thought it was, It has turned up in some form or another. There's a guy named Ravi, another called Weerd, and Uni was a name of a catgirl that ironically has never appeared in oscar jr's alleged comic.

Why don't people ever use their real name? What's wrong with Hector? Maneko? I tried to look it up. No luck. I checked both Spanish and Japanese dictionaries. Nada. Here's what I did come across: that according to Japanese naming customs, -ko at the end of a name makes it female. Mane-ko? I went through my manga and anime collection and found only one instance of a man with -ko at the end of his name that was not trans-gendered, transvestite, or homosexual.


(algore sigh) See above.


"Here are some examples of what I’m talking about. This typical of what you see in the newspaper. Graphically dull.      

                               Looks better with a Garfield style background."


 Unlike some people, I do believe in coincidences.


I guess I should give credit where due. Out of the 500 of his comics I have, I found ONE whole example of the white kitty-thingy getting the crap beat out of it. On top of that, out of FIVE-HUNDRED comics, I found not just one, BUT TWO comics with oscar jr getting punched out.

See, I can be nice.


They're called boots, they have a habit of making your feet look big. I hate going to the mall during the summer. I hate trying to figure out which one is mom and which one is jailbait.

I thought oscar jr's boyfriend like to backstab.

For further reference:

(Note: I have to admit to some editing in one of these comics. Five bonus no-points if you can figure out what it is.)


And we bring our selves full circle.





    That's enough. I made my point. I don't like this guy. For many reasons which I have backed up with fact. And it was about time somebody, (even if it was little ol' me, in a dark corner of the internet that nobody ever visits,) stood up on a soapbox and told the truth about him. What do I ever hope to accomplish? Nothing. At best, a whole lot more material to give the MST3K treatment.


PS: Stanks to oscar jr, I found myself a theme song. Five bonus no-points awarded to all that figure out why.










Oh I get it now. It's an anagram. It's really nameko. Perfect fit. Both sit in the dark leaching off the forgotten debris of others.

















    Bonus section for those who actually read all the way through and bothered to scroll down some more.

I've already talked about this before, but it is just too good not to mention again. I pointed out earlier that oscar jr likes to backstab, but does he know he's been backstabbed? 

We've heard ad-nausea how oscar jr is mickie's bestest friend. Her kittyman. Likes to curl up on her lap and get his ass scratched.  (By the way, I don't think either one could find their ass with both hands tied behind their backsides.)

I seem to have stumbled upon a diseconomy:

He likes animated porn. She goes on and on andonandonandonandonandonandonandon about how she hates animated porn.

He will often use the portable network graphic format, she has a blithering hatred for it.

He links to her. She links to me, not him, and she hates my guts.

He loves cat girls. She...

Sev :: 02-21-2007 22:26 :: ip: logged
Nobody want an Aggie-in-the-Box. :'(
Hartland :: 02-21-2007 23:25 :: ip: logged
What are you talking about? An aggie-in-the-box could save the world from evil terrorist orginazations and ridd us from gigant evil looking mechas!

I wold also like to point out that nekkoaggie wold be hot.

But besides all that: Awwww...
Michelle :: 02-22-2007 05:36 :: ip: logged
...Hartland. If you dare say again that a catgirl furry aggie would be a good thing, I'll kill you savagely. WITH A SPOON.

Seriously... NO!
Urza :: 02-22-2007 05:59 :: ip: logged
What abot Thorn? It seems all have forgotten about her. Seems like everybody in the cast is having a bad time all around.
Ghadeer :: 02-22-2007 07:03 :: ip: logged
CATGIRLS! WOO-HOO! Let's see, Thorn could wear one of those sailor suits. Kate would wear her normal skirt but white with black stripes. Aggie ...hmmm... I don't know. Maybe some strips of fur in the appropriate places? GRRRR BABY!
Michelle :: 02-22-2007 07:21 :: ip: logged
...Stop it Ghadeer. I'm gonna puke.
Luke :: 02-22-2007 07:25 :: ip: logged
Michelle dressed up as a kitty?  o.O
Aggie :: 02-22-2007 07:26 :: ip: logged Shut up. Shut the fuck up. None of this is making me feel better.

Michelle :: 02-22-2007 07:46 :: ip: logged
And FUCK CATS. >_<





























Just one more button to push. I did this whole riff with my hand in stitches and a splint due to an injury I received back in 2003.

AH! Another button. My audience is the smartest, and either (A:) knows immediately where I was at; or (B:) knows where to look.

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