Iris/Michelle Rochan of the webcomic Stage Select. I thought she did a well drawn and genuinely funny comic. Which made me think she was a funny open-minded individual. Turns out she is nothing more than an egotistical, self-absorbed, whiny, hypocritical, and as she would describe herself, bitch. If you so much as disagree one insignificant iota, she will attack you using poor research, made up facts, personal assaults, made up cuss words, and stuff I couldn't begin to describe.

     As a few of you know, she did a hit piece on me that was in a word: pathetic. Pathetic because this person allowed themselves to get inflamed over what a fan said. Pathetic because they spent days trying to prove something and proved nothing. Pathetic because hours were spent saying a lot and ultimately said nothing. Pathetic because I'm going to tear them a new one. I have been thinking of a way to respond. At first I thought of going on her blog and respond in person. I ruled that out because by the time I found out about it, it was already stored in the archives which few if any people look through. My hit logs prove that. Plus the fact she goes back and edits and deletes posts. So anything I would say would be immediately gone. I could email her, but found the hard way that she won't listen to facts and has a response for everything.

    Then it came to me. I am a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000. I shall riff her flame of me. Not an original concept mind you, but it should be somewhat entertaining. I am not going to do the whole thing. Just some of the more outrageous stuff. It's going to be a tough job.

     I am not going to do this alone. I need help.

     Joe pokes his head through the door.


      Almost immediately two rather weird looking, uhh, things come in. One looks like a ground hog walking upright and another that defies any description. Joe slams the door shut and locks it with a combination lock and laughs maniacally.

>>JOE: I must introduce the other players: Uni and JD Groundhog.

>>UNI: He's been listening to Stan Freberg, again.

>>JOE: Uni was last seen being chased by the Gator Wrangler. Did you get away?"

>>UNI: Yes, with all bodily orifices intact.

>>JD: Who's he talking to?

>>UNI: Just humor him, we might get out of here quicker.

>>JOE: JD's one and so far only appearance was in the rather mis-numbered comic one. Plus a bit part in MST3K: Two Moons Too Many.

>>JD: Which involved me getting a lawn dart stuck in my skull and getting shot out a toilet. In fact that one over there.

>>JOE: Which reminds me, did you ever return Becky's panties, Uni?

>>UNI: How secure is that door?

>>JD: You were just kidding about having this bathroom fixed, right?

>>JOE: They work. Go ahead.

     JD and Uni each walk into a stall.

>>JD: Why is there a screen in these bowls?

>>UNI: To keeps us from making a great escape like the last time.

     They do there business and then sit down at the table. both giving a loud gratuitous Algore Sigh at the manuscripts laid out.


>>UNI: So what Megaman/Sailor Moon crossover fanfic are we reading today?

>>JOE: Sailor Moon has nothing to do with it.

>>JD: Would it be about your Sailor Cheerleaders?

>>JOE: Nope. I would call it an Ex-Fanfic. I'm the ex-fan, this is nothing but fiction. You guys might like it. It's about how these people hate me.

   They flip through eyes occasionally bugging out and jaws dropping.

>>JD: You serious about this?

>>UNI: This is some... wow... what did you do?

>>JOE: I was just being a fan.

>>UNI: You're kidding.

>>JOE: She said something in her comic that I had said earlier and she didn't like that.


From the essay Hand Drawn Comics Vs Web Comics. By me.

In the year and a half I have been doing the sprite version of Ravy, I have come across several differences between it and the old hand drawns... Next I noticed camera angles. They are pretty much non-existent in a sprite comic. You have only that 2D side view. You don’t have looking up, down, side to side, odd ball, over the shoulder, and so forth.

>>JD: That's what pissed her off?

>>UNI: I don't get it.

>>JOE: Neither do I. I emailed her about it, but she got all in my face and bitchy about it.

>>UNI: Did you just...?

>>JOE: That what she calls herself. Plus, because of the fact that if I edit out all the R-rated material, it would be even more incomprehensible than it already is.

>>UNI: Can we do R-rated stuff?

>>JOE: Be my guest.

>>UNI and JD: YES!

>>JOE: But keep in mind we are debating on the facts.


>>JOE: It's easier than you think. These people don't use facts. I doubt they ever opened a dictionary. They don't even use their internet access to Google stuff. So let's get started.