Krion Conquest. Mega Man 3. Mega Man 9. Splash Woman.
I'm glad Splash Woman's trident was in her far arm. It made editing her sprites much easier.
The super close up was done for the express purpose better showing Kagemaru pointing.
Definitely not my usual way of abusing the ever overused "Behind Dr. Wily's Back' gag.

Krion Conquest. Mega Man 3. Mega Man 9. Splash Woman.
This is a comic I'm pretty proud of. There's a lot of moving parts that came together just right.
My favorite mental visual is Splash Woman in a fish tank on a cart.

Krion Conquest. Mega Man 3. Mega Man 9. Splash Woman.
Both the American and Japanese versions of Transformers: Headmasters anime/cartoon sucked.
Sucked hard. Despite that the concept is really cool.

Krion Conquest. Mega Man 3. Mega Man 9. Splash Woman.
My favorite line from the Bob and Tom bit: "Shirtless Girl!"


Ravy Comics, its subcomics, and all original material copyright 2015 Joe Pullin.
The entirety of this website should be considered parody.
If you're taking any of this seriously, here is what you need to do:
Take a deep breath and hold it until I can get to you.