Op Stone has always been the straight man of the series.
Once in awhile I'll through him a special effects ladened bone.


Especially considering that they've been in there since October of 2015.


Spoiler Alert: I started a running gag about people dressing up as Jeseka,
but I never got around to paying it off this year. Hopefully in 2017.


To help me make Penny's PJs I looked up sleepwear for women.
Thousands of pictures of women in their pajamas and underwear.
The work I put myself through for you, the reader.
I put a lot of work into Penny's left arm in the third panel, only to cover it up.


Ravy Comics, its subcomics, and all original material copyright 2016 Joe Pullin.
The entirety of this website should be considered parody.
If you're taking any of this seriously, here is what you need to do:
Take a deep breath and hold it until I can get to you.